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Books and so much more!

Friday 11 November 2011

S6 boys recommend...

Book title: Troy lord of the silver bow
Author: David Gemmel
Review: In a "Time of heroes" history and legend combine to tell the tale of Troy. This epic story tells the tale of two heroes. Helikuon, a young prince of Dardania, is haunted by her scarred and traumatic childhood. Argiarious is cloaked in loneliness and driven only by thoughts of revenge. Both land and sea battles are epic. This is a true time of bravery and betrayal.

Reviewed by Craig 

Book title: The Inheritance Cycle
Author: Christopher Paolini
Review: "The Inheritance Cycle" is composed of four books (Eragon, Eldest, Brisingr and Inheritance) and these books are by far the best thing I've ever read. The story is greatly invigorating and the twists and turns within the plot  will keep you on your toes the full time. These books will have any lover of fantasy completely pulled in and will have them fall helplessly in love with the characters (or at least with the heroes!).

Reviewed by Roran Garrowsson -  yes we know who he is!!