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Books and so much more!

Friday 23 November 2018

Book Week Scotland

Thanks you to all those who have taken part in the Book Week Scotland Quiz. We will continue to run it until Wednesday 28th November.

And keep the suggestions going for  your favourite "rebel" characters in fiction. We have had quite a few superheroes suggested (eg Spiderman), also suggestions from dystopian books (Tris Prior from Divergent) but my favourite so far is Feo from Katherine Rundell's Wolf Rider.

This Wednesday sees our Scottish Poetry Slam and this will conclude our Book Week Scotland events.   

Friday 9 November 2018

Anti-Bullying Week

"If you have a choice between being right and being kind, choose kind"
Dr Wayne W. Dyer.

On Auggie's first day of school Mr Browne the teacher introduces this precept to his class.  Ten year old Auggie just wants to be normal, to be like everyone else. Inside he feels, normal, he is normal but he was born with a facial anomaly which marks him out as different. As Auggie starts school for the first time in his life he has to learn to overcome challenges, deal with bullying and what it is to have true friends. And above all we learn about kindness. So for this upcoming anti-bullying week there couldn't be a better novel to read than "Wonder" by R. J. Palacio.

Monday 5 November 2018

Christmas Fayre

The Book Group are running a stall at the Christmas Fayre on Thursday 8th November. Pupils have worked on making lovely little Christmas gift cards. They will also be selling a small selection of books. 

Please support us by visiting our stall. All funds will go into the Library Book Fund.